Redwood City Neighborhood Street Improvements Scheduled to Begin in September

As part of its roadway preventative maintenance program, Redwood City is about to start road resurfacing projects on a number of neighborhood streets. This will provide smoother, safer, improved roadways – but will cause some inconvenience to residents and motorists in these areas during the work.

The work is scheduled to begin Wednesday, September 1st, and will be completed in approximately eight-to-ten weeks.

Below is a list of streets scheduled for this work, beginning with Redwood Shores locations.

  • Shoreway Road from Redwood Shores Parkway to the City Limits at U.S. 101
  • Redwood Shores Parkway from Shoreway Road to the City Limits at U.S. 101
  • Alameda de las Pulgas from Woodside to Massachusetts
  • Fernside Street from Alameda to Massachusetts
  • Fernside Street from Carson to McGarvey
  • Goodwin Avenue from Fernside to Alameda
  • Roosevelt Avenue from Hudson to El Camino
  • Hopkins Avenue from the City Limits west of Alameda to El Camino
  • Circle Road from Whipple to Hopkins
  • Edgewood Road from the City Limits west of Alameda to El Camino
  • Canyon Road from Jefferson to the City Limits near Cordilleras
  • Massachusetts Avenue from Fernside to Woodside
  • Crompton Road from Alameda to Dover
  • Vera Avenue from Crompton to Alameda
  • Dover Road from Jefferson to Alameda
  • Devon Way from Jefferson to Oak Ridge
  • Oak Ridge from Jefferson to Dover
  • Lancaster from Jefferson to Dover

 Neighbors are being notified of scheduling and details of the work, and appropriate “No Parking” signage is being installed. The short-term inconvenience consists of a requirement to keep cars off the street during certain portions of the work, and to park cars off the street for approximately two days after the work.

The City will take all reasonable measures to minimize the impact of construction activity in neighborhoods, though some inconvenience is unavoidable. Motorists should expect periodic lane closures, detours, some dust, and temporary parking restrictions during construction.  All roadway users are asked to be particularly cautious during construction.

Overall work hours will be 7:30 am until 4 pm. During the main part of the work, streets will normally be reopened to traffic by 5 pm. However, streets may be closed later if necessary to allow the new surfacing to fully “cure.”

In general, the process for this resurfacing project will involve two phases, Prep Work and Slurry Seal/Overlay:

  • Prep Work – repair failed areas and low spots, seal large cracks with filler material, and remove weeds;
  • Slurry Seal – on local, low volume streets and some major streets in good condition, loose material will be swept up, and a final coating of a thin sand and oil mixture will be applied to “seal” the street. Smaller streets may be closed entirely for up to four hours after the seal is applied.  Until that seal is dry, neighbors are cautioned to keep cars, children, and pets from coming into contact with the roadway, as the seal material is very difficult to remove from rugs, clothing, etc.

OR (on selected streets)

  • Overlay – on local streets in poor condition and major streets, loose material will be swept up, and a two inch layer of new asphalt will be placed on top of the existing surface.  Until the asphalt has cooled, traffic controls will be in place to direct vehicles around the new asphalt.  Drivers are asked to proceed carefully and look for signs to direct traffic.

The City thanks residents and motorists for their patience as it works to improve Redwood City’s roadways, and apologizes in advance for any inconvenience.

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