November is Disaster Preparedness Month

In addition to being the advocate for issues affecting Shores residents and businesses, RSCA is dedicated to helping everyone stay safe and prepared for possible disasters or emergencies.

There are some safety issues unique to the Shores and residents should be aware and plan ahead to stay safe. The November edition of The PILOT includes some helpful tips. For many years, RSCA has provided each household with a RED/GREEN Disaster Signal Card designed to help emergency responders quickly assess who needs immediate help and who is OK. Again this year, it is printed on the back cover and inside back cover of this PILOT.

Keep this card where you can locate it quickly!

Also keep tape nearby so that you can quickly put it where it can be seen clearly from the street. This may be in a front window or on your front or garage door depending on the layout of your particular neighborhood. Especially if you need assistance, this card will help you get the quickest response. The card should not be displayed year-round.

“Show Your Cards” Drill on November 17th!

On Saturday, November 17th local CERT members will gather with RCFD Emergency Preparedness Outreach Coordinator, Christy Adonis to conduct a “windshield survey” looking for the GREEN/OK cards displayed where they can be seen from the street. “Show Your Cards” on November 17th to show your awareness of Shores issues and that you are reading The PILOT, and show support for the CERT program that is in transition from Redwood City and San Carlos to San Mateo County.

With changes in city leadership and uncertainty about further public safety cut-backs, it is more important than ever for Shores residents to know how to prepare their homes and families for disaster. Suggestions and checklists are included in the November edition of The PILOT to help you prepare for a range of situations. Please take the time to read, plan and make sure that your family, friends, neighbors and colleagues are safe and prepared.