President’s Memo: November 2011

Be Prepared!

This issue of The PILOT is about things you and your family need to do to get prepared for an emergency. It might be a big earthquake, or it could be some other natural or man-made disaster. Some of the things in this issue are about being prepared for a large scale disaster like “the big one”, but others are things that could help you recover from a more local event like a house fire.

Redwood Shores is an island. We live in a community that is physically separated from our Belmont, San Carlos, and Redwood City neighbors by water on three sides and a multi-lane freeway on the fourth. Our access to the outside world uses two overpasses that could become inaccessible in a large seismic event.

Although we have a fire station located here in the Shores, we need to assume that – in response to a large earthquake or other emergency – ALL area fire & police resources will be pulled toward hospitals or other city centers deemed more critical than our local neighborhoods. This may not be what we would want, but it IS the reality.

We are fortunate to have an airport which – if undamaged – would likely be heavily used for local emergency relief services. But we can’t even rely on that.

These simple facts mean that all Shores residents should plan for such emergency events as though we will be without the most basic services for some period of time. Use the articles in this issue of the PILOT to plan and get your household ready.

In the words of the Boy Scouts’ motto…


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