Relay for Life

Relay For Life — the 24-hour event starts on Saturday May 19th at 10:00am and ends Sunday May 20th at 10:00am.

We are still looking for teams to join the event. People can come at anytime during the event to walk and or volunteer.

What is Relay For Life?

  • Overnight relay-style event
  • Teams of people camp out around a track
  • Members of each team take turns walking around the track for the duration of the event
  • Food, games and activities provide entertainment and fundraising opportunities
  • Family-friendly environment for the entire community
  • There are many moments that create the Relay experience,

Survivors Lap – Relay starts with a Survivors Lap — an inspirational time when survivors are invited to circle the track together and help everyone celebrate the victories we’ve achieved over cancer

Luminaria Ceremony – After dark, we honor people who have been touched by cancer and remember loved ones lost to the disease during the Luminaria Ceremony. Candles are lit inside bags filled with sand, each one bearing the name of a person touched by cancer, and participants often walk a lap in silence.

Fight Back Ceremony – Last, there is a Fight Back Ceremony, where we make a personal commitment to save lives by taking up the fight against cancer.


You can go to our website for more information;

or find us on Facebook


— Relay for Life