Have You Heard About Virtual Villages?

Virtual Villages (VVs) are the latest American innovation for ‘Aging with independence in your Own Home!’ It’s a trickle up concept for people ages 50 and over to stay in their own homes rather than going to a retirement center later in life.

Virtual Villages allow people in a locality to stay independent, remain active, be of assistance to one another, and give back to their communities. Starting in Beacon Hill, Boston, VVs are now spreading like wildfire. The closest local one we know of is next door in Palo Alto.

When we heard about this trend it seemed too good to be true! And Redwood Shores seems like the ideal place for a Virtual Village. Why? Because RWS is unique in that it’s comprised primarily of educated and active people who won’t want to leave the Shores to live in less lovely and interesting environments later on.

We are thinking of a RWS Virtual Village that will enrich our bodies, minds and spirits with offers of many opportunities; and assist with volunteer or private services if a Village member goes on vacation, breaks an arm, or needs some other short-term help. Perhaps the greatest advantage will be staying independent and learning together how to get the most out of our “aging/saging’ processes.

WE invite you to think with us about how we could put our special mark on a Virtual Village in RWS — one that will fit the personality of our ourselves and our lovely little community. If you are even vaguely interested, let us know via email, and we can schedule a room at the library or Sandpiper for an initial meeting.

— Sharon Tennison

The Hampton

— Nancy Glaser

Light House Cove