The Animals Are Going “Green”!

We hear almost daily about the need to go “green”. It’s good for our planet. Did you know you can also go “green” with your companion animals? Here’s a list of 10 things you can implement now:

  1. Use biodegradable bags to pick up dog waste. Many of us have long used the plastic bags from the grocery store for this chore. Did you know there are several different brands of biodegradable bags on the market? Try a few and see which ones you prefer. Cat owners, can use them for scooping the litter box as well.
  2. If you bathe your dog yourself, use earth-friendly pet shampoos. Yes, there are pet grooming products on the market that are “green”. If you take your dog to your favorite groomer, encourage them to use “green” products if they don’t already.
  3. OK, we all do itÉwe get in the car with our dog and then drive to the dog park. Consider walking with your dog to the dog park. Not only will you get some great exercise, you will save on gas as well as wear and tear on your car.
  4. Use recycled paper towels for cleaning up of any messes your furry companions may have left for you.
  5. The next time Rover or Kitty need a new food bowl, consider getting a stainless steel or ceramic bowl instead of a plastic bowl. Stainless steel and ceramic also will last longer.
  6. Vacuum! Yes, you read correctly. Vacuuming is a great way to remove fleas and pet dander without having to resort to toxic chemicals.
  7. Buy only “green” toys. There are many toys made out of recycled materials and also use green methods in the production process.
  8. Buy cat litter made from recycled newspaper.
  9. Hopefully, the products you use in your home are also “green”. Fluffy and Fido will often walk on not-so-dry surfaces you just cleaned. These cleaning products can be accidentally ingested when they clean and wash their feet and paws. Read the ingredients on your cleaning products. As a general rule of thumb, if you can’t pronounce it, it probably isn’t good for your animals either.
  10. Do you have old towels, bedding, or pet toys you no longer have a use for? Call your local humane society or animal rescue group. Most groups would love to have your donation of items you no longer need.

By the time you read this, Thanksgiving will be just around the corner. While I wish all of your animal family (and the humans also!) a Happy Thanksgiving, please remember — do not give your animals any cooked bones. They can splinter and cause choking. For those counter “surfers”, make sure you keep the garbage and other food goodies out of reach — I want you to have a safe and happy Thanksgiving and not have to make an emergency trip to the vet.

— Jan Brown

— Jan is the Owner of Jan’s Pet Sitting & a Pet Tech Pet First Aid Instructor. She can be reached at

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