On My Soapbox

Not sure about you all but I keep wondering where the ‘time’ has gone. Here it will be the Holiday Season and I’m still back at Halloween. Had a number of calls asking me to please ask all you car drivers to “PLEASE SLOW DOWN”.

Evidently there have been some near-misses with drivers either not coming to a complete stop at our various arterials or actually just going on through. Some of the main complaints were against those who were making right turns off our main Parkways without slowing down at all.

In the event any of you were wondering what happened if you saw the huge tarp that was attached to the back yard fence of the house on the right side of east-bound Redwood Shores Parkway [RSP] at Bridge, it was because a car going south on Bridge had stopped at the arterial and was in the process of making a left turn when a car came east on RWS, did not stop and broadsided the car that was turning. Fortunately there were no serious injuries, but I have wondered about the dollar amount cost for the driver of the car that didn’t stop.

And now that we are in our rainy season the DMV wants us all to remember that “if your wipers are on so should be your headlights”. These past few days, with the rain, and no headlights on, if you see another driver flashing his headlights at you, that may be the reason!

Again, the please slow down’s are for the number of wildlife – mainly the geese – that have been hit. Some have been killed and some injured, but no one coming to their aid. A lot of the callers commenting on this have made the same comments I feel – moving here you knew it was in a wildlife area – and if that is not what you wanted, perhaps it is time to move out. It is really sad when you see a lifeless goose on the road and his mate sitting beside it. Also comments were made about the number of squirrels that have been hit on west-bound Marine over near Oracle. When I have been changing the median sign there I am always surprised at the speed of the cars – way over the limit.

As I keep saying, set your clocks ahead 10 or 15 minutes and give yourself a little extra time. Which brings up – again – a reminder that it is illegal to leave any of your dog’s “leavings”. Take a small bag with you when you take your pet for a walk and pick up anything it decides to leave. Also bring a small bottle of water so that you can wash down any puddle that your female pet leaves. Lastly on pets, be aware that if you allow your pet to sniff the remains of another’s dog and that dog has a disease, your dog can catch it.

As I said last month, I am trying to downsize after 25+ years, so if you are looking for a glass bottle or figure item, I have many with our wildlife theme, for use as a special Christmas gift. They are not expensive – originally they were – but I would like them to go to those who would appreciate their meaning. After much contact with the Fish and Wildlife people it has now been stated that since our water comes here through pipes from the bay, the bait boxes are basically legal if one has a commercial fishing license. The only caveat is that it they cannot be used on private properties. Here on the Davit Lagoon we have had between 8 and 10 pairs of Pelicans for over the past month or so. I have to presume that the fish are really “running”, as I have enjoyed the show they put on in diving for them.

I’ve used up my space so have a Happy Holiday Season and a safe New year’s and see you in January…

— Pat Dixon, the Swan Lady

(Note that Pat’s phone number for calls to contribute to “On My Soapbox” are usually included in The Pilot; the number has been omitted from the website version of this article. You can send a message to Pat by emailing with the words “For Swan Lady” in the subject line. )

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