On My Soapbox

Got a few weeks reprieve – so to speak – before I will be moving east, so this will really be my last “Opinion Page” – unless someone else wants to take it over. After the April issue came out I had many calls all saying “thanks” for not only the ‘hints’ but also the ‘barb’s’, so to you all: keep up the good work! All of us out here need to be reminded on occasion — when we get so engrossed that we become ‘forgetful’ – not only in our driving but with our bikers and those who like to just leisurely walk to our parks or along the levees. Which is why the arterial stop sign at Redwood Shores Parkway and Cringle is such a blessing – being that the crosswalk is a direct access to the park to the south.

During my 26 years here so much has changed in the Shores. Should any of you “old-timers” still want to have the Shores become an independent “town” my e-mail address will remain the same so do contact me. From my many years with the Redwood City Bike and Ped groups the ‘final push” will be in about two months when the bike and ped overpass from Ralston, over the 101 to behind Oracle, to join the Around the Bay path is completed and dedicated. Having sat on the Citizen’s Advisory Committee for the County Transportation Authority for the last 14 or 15 years, and having pushed for this pathway with the City of Belmont — for about the same time frame — I have asked the to have the Grand Opening Dedication in the afternoon so that I can drive back here for it — about two hours time one way. This, then, will complete many of the things I have wanted to do, which also includes the bike/ped path from Whipple north on the east side of the 101 up to the San Carlos Airport.

As I’ve written previously when I came here in 1985 there was nothing beyond Shell Lane but the open fields with the red foxes, ‘possums and the jackrabbits. All gone now because of the build-out. My personal hope is that with the final building of Max Keech’s ‘The Preserve’ nothing more will be done. The last I heard was that we are over the last estimate of some 15,000 residents.

As my final comment I want to say, if you live in a Home Owner’s Association complex, PLEASE , do a very careful background check of any of your residents that may want to join your Board. In mine we have a resident that has only been here since 2006 and rather than go down to City Hall and check out the existing CC&R’s has presumed many things that are NOT part of the common area. Many of the early complexes have specific CC&R’s which are not being followed, and some of the changes are not being given to the City Records Department — which is a specific given.

As I said when I made my ‘good-bye’s ‘ to the RW City Council, since most of those I knew are now retired, it’s time for me to do the same. However there are a few that I really want to thank for their helpfulness and they include Marilyn Harang, Chu Chang and Peter V. Also to Mr. Robert Bell, our new City Manager: you have two previous Managers, whose big shoes you have to fill !!

Take care of yourselves, be kind to your neighbors, and thank you all for the memories.

On My Soapbox

For the March Pilot I had hoped the rains would stop – but we’re still getting it! I know we need it but it almost seems like overkill now. As to other things, I had several phone calls about a Recology truck that deliberately ran over some geese. I asked them to please call the Recology office and tell them. Being taken aback by that “act” no one got the truck number. So should any of you see a similar act in the future, I was told, when I also called their office, they would like the truck number.

Otherwise, everything seems about the same – unfortunately – as even with the rain our speed limits are not being met and I am always surprised by the drivers who do not have their headlights on when the windshield wipers are on. That is a Department of Motor Vehicles law, as is still talking on a cell phone while driving. Nothing is supposed to be ‘hand-held’. Basically what it comes down to is anything that takes your attention away from your driving is illegal. I have to say that by their actions, I am always amazed that for many drivers it appears they do not have a legal right to drive. Besides, it puts the rest of us at risk. So, as you can see, most of the calls were stating what they had seen, and they were concerned. My comment is if you have a silver or light grey automobile please remember that in the rain they are hard to see, so it is of utmost concern that your headlights and tail lights be on.

Because of some major health and family problems this will most likely be my last article for the Pilot as I will be leaving this area by the end of April, to go over to south of Sacramento where my daughter lives. Since our Assembly Rep is Jerry Hill – a long time friend of mine – I’ve already told him I will be “following” all his actions so they will be a benefit to those here.

As I close this last article it is now pouring outside. I am taking it as a “sad farewell” for a long time pleasure, on my part on receiving your calls and then being able to relate them to others thru the Pilot and Carol Mertz.

Everyone, please take care of yourselves and remember to be thoughtful of others. That alone will always make you happy.

Have a good one and thank you all for the memories.


— Pat Dixon, the Swan Lady

(Note that Pat’s phone number for calls to contribute to “On My Soapbox” are usually included in The Pilot; the number has been omitted from the website version of this article. You can send a message to Pat by emailing  with the words “For Swan Lady” in the subject line. )


On My Soapbox

Hello again ! Let’s hope that by the time the March Pilot comes out the rain has gone away! I know we really need it, but enough is enough! Maybe if it would rain between 10 p.m. and 5 a.m. I would feel better about it, but being that it has been all day is just getting to be depressing. Although I will say, I don’t have to go out and water my plants!

I have been asked to write about things OTHER THAN DRIVERS. Unfortunately those are most of the calls I get, so I’ll try to go back in ‘history’, somewhat, but my likes may not be the same as yours, and over the years I have tried to bring some of what we ‘used to have/do” back. I was reared in Palo Alto, so that in growing up [if I ever did] it was from Mountain View to Belmont. If some of this is a re-run to you, please overlook it.

Some months ago a member of the Belmont Planning Dept. came to one of the Transportation Authority’s [T.A.] Advisory Committee Board’s meeting to ask for our support with the T.A. for funds for a ped/bike bridge crossing over the 101 from Ralston in Belmont to link up with the Bay Trail behind Oracle. Since this was something I had been trying to get done for many, many years, [late 1980’s] and as Chair of the Advisory Committee I was ecstatic!

When I went to their Planning Dept. to ask about what they had in mind, so to speak, I was asked to take a look at some of the pictures they had just hung up as they did not know or recognize any of them. For me it was a true thrill as I knew where each had been taken and about their approximate age. For the young man who was talking notes, he too, seemed to enjoy what we were doing as he told me when we were finished that now he could answer any other questions that might come up. So to see the ‘building in progress’ now is a true thrill for me and I hope to be present when it is completed and dedicated.

In closing let me remind you please, that our lagoon waters are a part of the bay waters, [coming through the gates over by the SBSA plant] and as such they come under the watchful eyes of the County Fish and Game Rangers. So again let me remind you all to please not dump oils into the water. Should any of our wildlife get this onto their wings it could be a total disaster for them. And also, this is a part of the migratory pattern for the some of the Canada Geese, that seem to like it over behind the Oracle buildings where there is an ‘arm’ of our waterways . We have many migratory birds in right now, so if you are out walking keep your eyes open. Also if you have driven to the Marketplace drive behind the buildings to see what is taking a temporary refuge in the lagoon back there. Should you see some huge white birds they are most likely the Pelicans. For me this is a special treat each time I go shopping — just to drive behind and see what we have in. My waterfowl books are getting a lot of use right now!

Time for me to go — I’ve overused my space! Remember — its the law — take any of your dog’s ‘leavings’ with you and dispose of them at your home and if your pet is a female be sure you have a bottle of water as their urine will kill any grass she may use.

Drive carefully so that I will see you next month!

— Pat Dixon, the Swan Lady

(Note that Pat’s phone number for calls to contribute to “On My Soapbox” are usually included in The Pilot; the number has been omitted from the website version of this article. You can send a message to Pat by emailing  with the words “For Swan Lady” in the subject line. )

On My Soapbox

I don’t know quite where to start. Actually a re-run of the January Pilot would work very well. So if you still have it handy, do read it again! Firstly, I have received e-mails relating to the RSCA President’s article on me, for which I heartily thanked him. These past 25 + years have had many ups and downs, but most were good ones. Most of the calls were again about our seemingly thoughtless drivers, but after Tuesday evening this message is for both drivers and pedestrians. I was returning from a Reception at the County Center and was in the northbound exit lane from Whipple up the 101. Since I would be exiting at Holly I stayed in that lane, but just where it makes the right side exit was where the “problem” started. Because of some work being done on the Dumbarton Bridge, all northbound drivers were being sent up to the San Mateo Bridge, and the traffic was truly horrendous. Because of this I was watching for the cars turning into the exit lane from the main 101 and just as I was making my right turn a pedestrian literally stepped out to cross the exit lane directly in front of me. My problem was the person did not have any type of light that could really be seen or at least that he was showing. Fortunately my passenger saw him “flipping” some type of light and told me he was there. He scurried across and I braked and the others with him waited until it was clear before they started across. So the moral of this is to look carefully BEFORE you try to cross a very busy exit, and CARRY and SHOW a light that can be seen. It is difficult for a driver to slow down that fast when in an exit lane.

Some very pleasant calls were about an abundance of the Cedar Waxwing birds in the trees along Shell Blvd. between RWShore Pkway and the main water channel. It’s very nice to know they are back and that the trees there are blossoming so well for them.

Again a number of the calls were about “reminders” for those walking their dogs and not picking up their feces. When you take your dog out for your stroll, do please remember that it is illegal here in the Shores, and any other part of Redwood City, to just leave them.

Yes, I am the one changing the signs on our two medians – RWS Parkway and Marine, and your “toots” and a wave as you drive by are noticed and I do thank you. But I will tell you this, when I am doing the sign on Marine, I am always amazed at the speed the drivers are doing when they come around the curve by the library and heading to the 101. It is certainly not the posted 35 ! As I have said many times, and also while at some DMV Seminars I have attended, it may be the right time now to require a physical driving test every four years or so, when renewing your license. It is because of the excessive speed I keep ‘harping’ on this subject and also suggest that you should set your clocks ahead a bit so that you do not have to race. If you were requested to take a physical driving test the next time you renew your license, do you think you could do it AND PASS? Please call and leave a yes or a no. What really scares me the most is the speed when our kids are on their way to school – walking, not being driven.

As a final, think about the others out there driving, do your best to follow our speed limits, avoid a ticket, AND REMEMBER: if RAINING HEADLIGHTS SHOULD BE ON IF YOUR WIPERS ARE … that’s a law !! See you next month and have a Good and Careful One until then !!

— Pat Dixon, the Swan Lady

(Note that Pat’s phone number for calls to contribute to “On My Soapbox” are usually included in The Pilot; the number has been omitted from the website version of this article. You can send a message to Pat by emailing  with the words “For Swan Lady” in the subject line. )

On My Soapbox

Hope everyone made it through our rainy Holiday Season without too many problems. I wasn’t sure any of us would make it! It has been many years since I have the seen the lagoon water so high. Which brings up – again – people dumping oil into the water. When I went out to check on how high it was getting I had many oil puddles between my dock and the shoreline. As I have previously mentioned this, I am repeating myself in the event this is being done by ‘new residents’. Do not pour anything down the drains you see in the streets unless you are positive they go into another drain- not directly into the water. And also, not over your deck railing if you live ‘on the water’. But if you do end up with the oil puddles sprinkle some Dawn dishwashing liquid into them and then watch them literally disappear.

Again most of most of the calls were about the “speeders” – even with the rain! That really surprised me as I thought most would slow down, but evidently it didn’t make any difference. And the number of those driving with their wipers on BUT NO HEADLIGHTS. Most of December it was quite dark by 5 to 5:30 in the evening, and still no headlights on. What really bothers me is that it appears these drivers just don’t care, and this was the feeling the callers had. Also it seems that many had the same problems I did when it came to the dual exit and entry lanes. No one was paying attention to which lane they were in, so when they saw a green light they just went. I was almost hit several times at the exit from Whipple to northbound 101. One car that cut me off turned onto the east bound Holly/Redwood Shores Parkway, and as I was going to Nob Hill I stayed behind him. When he also turned in there and parked I asked him why he went through the red light on his side. His response was that he never paid attention to which side he was on, he just went whenever he saw a green. I told him I hoped he had a good insurance company because he would most likely be needing them if he kept that up.

And lastly, a number of the calls were asking to remind you who walk your dogs to please obey the laws here in Redwood City about taking their “leavings” with you NOT just leaving them where the dog put them. Should a Police Officer observe you ignoring any leavings, he can give you a ticket. With all this rain I am presuming it is not necessary to carry any water with you for your female dog’s piddle. In dry weather the female urine will kill the lawn in the spot she went, which is why the water helps to dilute it.

The balance of the calls were to ask two things: please obey our speed limits and to get in the habit of using your signal lights. Truly, there is nothing more irritating than not knowing if the car coming toward you is going turn in front of you or if the one ahead of you is going to turn. Also the one that got the most calls was about drivers that evidently keep one foot resting on the brake pedal. In the event you are unsure – the slightest touch keeps your brake lights on and anyone behind you has no way of knowing just what you will be doing next!

Have a good one and do drive with care – not only for yourself but all the others also out there!

See you next month and if we continue with this awful weather – please be careful.

— Pat Dixon, the Swan Lady

(Note that Pat’s phone number for calls to contribute to “On My Soapbox” are usually included in The Pilot; the number has been omitted from the website version of this article. You can send a message to Pat by emailing  with the words “For Swan Lady” in the subject line. )

On My Soapbox

Not sure about you all but I keep wondering where the ‘time’ has gone. Here it will be the Holiday Season and I’m still back at Halloween. Had a number of calls asking me to please ask all you car drivers to “PLEASE SLOW DOWN”.

Evidently there have been some near-misses with drivers either not coming to a complete stop at our various arterials or actually just going on through. Some of the main complaints were against those who were making right turns off our main Parkways without slowing down at all.

In the event any of you were wondering what happened if you saw the huge tarp that was attached to the back yard fence of the house on the right side of east-bound Redwood Shores Parkway [RSP] at Bridge, it was because a car going south on Bridge had stopped at the arterial and was in the process of making a left turn when a car came east on RWS, did not stop and broadsided the car that was turning. Fortunately there were no serious injuries, but I have wondered about the dollar amount cost for the driver of the car that didn’t stop.

And now that we are in our rainy season the DMV wants us all to remember that “if your wipers are on so should be your headlights”. These past few days, with the rain, and no headlights on, if you see another driver flashing his headlights at you, that may be the reason!

Again, the please slow down’s are for the number of wildlife – mainly the geese – that have been hit. Some have been killed and some injured, but no one coming to their aid. A lot of the callers commenting on this have made the same comments I feel – moving here you knew it was in a wildlife area – and if that is not what you wanted, perhaps it is time to move out. It is really sad when you see a lifeless goose on the road and his mate sitting beside it. Also comments were made about the number of squirrels that have been hit on west-bound Marine over near Oracle. When I have been changing the median sign there I am always surprised at the speed of the cars – way over the limit.

As I keep saying, set your clocks ahead 10 or 15 minutes and give yourself a little extra time. Which brings up – again – a reminder that it is illegal to leave any of your dog’s “leavings”. Take a small bag with you when you take your pet for a walk and pick up anything it decides to leave. Also bring a small bottle of water so that you can wash down any puddle that your female pet leaves. Lastly on pets, be aware that if you allow your pet to sniff the remains of another’s dog and that dog has a disease, your dog can catch it.

As I said last month, I am trying to downsize after 25+ years, so if you are looking for a glass bottle or figure item, I have many with our wildlife theme, for use as a special Christmas gift. They are not expensive – originally they were – but I would like them to go to those who would appreciate their meaning. After much contact with the Fish and Wildlife people it has now been stated that since our water comes here through pipes from the bay, the bait boxes are basically legal if one has a commercial fishing license. The only caveat is that it they cannot be used on private properties. Here on the Davit Lagoon we have had between 8 and 10 pairs of Pelicans for over the past month or so. I have to presume that the fish are really “running”, as I have enjoyed the show they put on in diving for them.

I’ve used up my space so have a Happy Holiday Season and a safe New year’s and see you in January…

— Pat Dixon, the Swan Lady

(Note that Pat’s phone number for calls to contribute to “On My Soapbox” are usually included in The Pilot; the number has been omitted from the website version of this article. You can send a message to Pat by emailing with the words “For Swan Lady” in the subject line. )

On My Soapbox

Well, I see our weather hasn’t changed much — we still haven’t had any “summer” and not much of a “fall” either. Just maybe we’ll get some much needed rain and then into a glorious spring. I think we all need it — or at least what I’m hearing from those that leave a message.

Not sure how many of you attended the 40th Anniversary of RSCA but it was a delightful day — at least for me. Firstly, I want to give Sue Nix, RSCA Vice-Chair and her son, Marc, a great big ‘thank you’ for all the work they did. But not so much for putting me by the front door. I did not get to see many of the exhibits — only the new collection cans that Gino made me come look at. I really don’t think I can get everything I seem to collect into one of them but I’m gane to try.

However the really good part of being there was I got to talk with most everyone that came in and registered. Many asked me why we asked them to sign the Registry and it was because over these past years there have been many changes to the Shores. Some have been here since development started — back in 1969, and others just recently — all interested in the “history” of the Shores.

I have been here since August of 1985, when Shell Blvd. was being started. Prior to that there was a dusty road that went out to the SBSA plant, so on the 4th of July many of us would take a chair and walk up to Shell and RWSPkway, sit and watch the fireworks. It was kind of a “group/neighbor party and you got to know your neighbors. Because the Registry asked for an e-mail address a lot people left that space open. When asked why, many simply said they did not want their e-mail address “published”. We explained that was NOT the purpose, but simply to let them know what was happening out here.

I understand there were some cages for kittens. As a cat-lover I did not get a chance to get over to see them but from what I have been told they were adorable. For anyone interested they came from the Nine Lives Foundation, located at 3016 Rolison Road [off 2nd Avenue] in south Redwood City. $20.oo per month saves one kitten for a month. If you can, please donate. I was told they had a Mainecoon there, who was really a “looker”. For me, any time I see a cat I want to take it home. I can’t remember when there has not been a cat in our family. As a child we had a beautiful, black Persian and when he wanted to play with my Dad and me he got to running around chasing us. If we got too “rough” he would go looking for my Mother, bite her on her ankle, then come running back to us for more attention.

Since I am running out of space I want to thank all of you that stopped by after seeing my name tag, and mentioned that you read the ‘Soapbox’. This got started because we had residents that wanted to complain Ð about something — but did not want their names used. I thank each of you that leaves me a message or makes a suggestion. Over these past years I have brought many of these comments to the attention of the City Council, who have acted on them. Now the problem is the bait boxes that are being thrown into the water of many of the most easterly complexes and also along the main waterways. I should have more info on this for the December issue of the Pilot. Now it’s time to start your Christmas Decorations for the RSCA Awards. See you next month and do take care!

— Pat Dixon, the Swan Lady

(Note that Pat’s phone number for calls to contribute to “On My Soapbox” are usually included in The Pilot; the number has been omitted from the website version of this article. You can send a message to Pat by emailing with the words “For Swan Lady” in the subject line. )

On My Soapbox

By the time this is out in the October Pilot we will be in ‘autumn’, with no explanation of where our summer went. That really is not fair!

This is what I received from several of the calls. Let’s all hope that will change by next spring. I will say that the pelicans here in the Davit Lagoon were having a great time as the fish were really jumping. I have never figured out how they can dive in head first and then come up backwards. I’ve sat there and watched them for a long period of time and I still don’t get it. If anyone knows PLEASE let me in on it — it is truly fascinating.

A lot of the calls were of people walking their dogs — some on leash and some loose — but a goodly number not picking up the feces. That is illegal here in the Shores and should a Police Officer see you he can give you a ticket. Also, there is more to it in that should the dog that left the mess have a disease your dog can pick it up just by letting him sniff those remains. And again, if you allow your female dog to urinate on a lawn it will burn the grass and leave a large brown spot. So if you have a female and walk please take a small bottle of water with you to counteract her ‘deposit” and also kill any “smells”.

Next came a lot of calls about speeding, so once again please remember that our main parkways — Marine, Shell, Shearwater, Redwood Shores, etc. are all 35 miles per hour max. Our other streets are 25 max and the various complexes are marked, mostly are 10 max. This really needs to be watched as with the new school open there will be many children walking to school off both Marine and RWShores Pkways.

Also came a number of calls about 2-lane metering ramp lights. I chuckled at this one as it has happened to me many times and at some point if a motorist gets mad enough there will be an accident. When there are two lanes coming to a metering exit or entry lane there will be two signal light posts. The driver in the right lane is supposed to watch the light on his right and the driver — you guessed it — on the left watch his light on the left side. I have been cut off many times by one of these careless drivers just going whenever either light turned green — his side or mine.

Lastly, I am thinking of possibly downsizing and after 25 years here in this unit, I have accumulated a large amount of figurines of our various wildlife. Some are even serving size, so should anyone have an interest, please feel free to call.

I was very surprised at the number of calls that came for my boat. The Mom in the family that took it was very happy that they can all go out for a ride now as the only ‘watercraft’ was a kayak. Let’s all hope we have a “sunny ?” October to put us in the mood for Thanksgiving.

See you in November and do take care.

— Pat Dixon, the Swan Lady

(Note that Pat’s phone number for calls to contribute to “On My Soapbox” are usually included in The Pilot; the number has been omitted from the website version of this article. You can send a message to Pat by emailing with the words “For Swan Lady” in the subject line. )

On My Soapbox

Not sure if we will have a “summer:” this year, but I keep hearing it will be in September. Since it will be in about the middle of the month when the Pilot comes out, let’s all pray we get some really nice weather.

Most of the calls again were about ‘careless’ drivers — not being courteous or staying within our set speed limits. I’m still hearing about how “awful” the stop is at Cringle, but I’m sure that those who oppose it do not have children going to Sandpiper. That is the only way the kids that live south of Redwood Shores Parkway can cross over to get to the paths to get them to the school.

Also we all need to start driving slower knowing they are out there. Some quoted me on my ‘know where you are going and start earlier if necessary’ — so you are not rushed.

Again came up the checking of headlight, taillights and signal lights. While September and part of October may be light later darkness will overcome all sooner than we expect it. And one more time, solid lines mean staying in the lane you are in until it is clear to change.

And please, if you are making a right turn stay in the right hand lane after your turn until it is clear to move over to the left and use your signal! This was one of the biggest complaints — turning right and going all the way across to the left lane. Another of the questions had to do with the feed-in and exit lanes. H you are on the freeway and move to the right to use an exit or entry lane — but do not intend to do either of those things — when you see that the lane markers have become different in shape — that is the time to get back onto the freeway itself.

I’ve seen many cars use the Holly-Redwood Shores exit lane as a way to get around slower traffic in the right hand lane on the freeway — only problem is they cannot always get back to their left and have caused backups in the exit lane.

Also remember that the DMV says a driver should leave one car length for each mile of speed between cars on freeways. Obviously most of us do not do that, so the best thing to do is keep your eyes on the road and be alert to your surroundings! EI Camino Real is one of the roadways where 5 to 6 feet between cars is allowed.

Once more I was asked to repeat: “if you find yourself stopped at a light and are looking into the back seat of a car next to you, you really should have your eyes examined, especially before you go to renew your license. The DMV is really keeping a close eye on all of us in that matter.

And lastly, once more, our waterways are also controlled by the Fish and Wildlife, so please remember that max speed in a motorized boat is 5 miles per hour and absolutely no wake. These evenings have been so nice that there are a number of these larger boats out and most stay within the limits, but there are a few that apparently think it “cute” to see how fast they can go. How sad, because we can be told by the F&W they will no longer allow motorized boats. So everyone with a big boat, please conform — for all of us.

September should be a great month for evening cruises, so please slow down and really enjoy your ‘evening out’. Since I have physical problems I cannot use my small boat anymore. do you know of anyone who would like it they can have it and it does have a motor. And if you have space for one more I’d love to go out with you for a spin. I really miss going out in my boat as I used to several years ago. Have a good one, drive and boat carefully and hope to see you next month.

Enjoy September, it should be a delightful and warm month!

— Pat Dixon, the Swan Lady

On My Soapbox

Where does the time go?

It seems it was a few weeks ago that I was listening to the calls for the July Pilot issue. There have been many, again mostly about “inconsiderate” drivers and speeding. Along with those negative one about the stop signs on Cringle Drive. How did you like the way the City used the sparkling red Christmas lights as a reminder? I thought they would be a great idea for the winter months at all our stop signs — again as reminders — but the City turned me down. These were kept lit by sun “electricity” so to speak, which would not be available during the rainy season. So again please remember that our max speed limits are 35 on the Parkways and 25 on the interior streets/lanes, with specific speeds inside our various complexes.

Something I saw the other day needs a reminder: this was down near the Marketplace. A young man was waiting to cross Redwood Shores Parkway from Electronics Way and when the light changed to green for those turning left at Hasting Shores he stepped off the curb into the crosswalk. I was still stopped, going straight, but looked up and saw that the pedestrian light for him was still on red. Please pay attention because you could get hurt if the light is not in your favor and watch for the count-down figure. This also applies anywhere in an area with crosswalks where pedestrians have preference. The problems here are that some step off a curb even if a car is in the middle of a turn. Again, this could cause an accident if another car is also making a turn behind the first one turning.

I guess courtesy is a number one consideration. This came with several calls abut the same problems with both bikers and peds. Again were the calls to request that drivers give themselves plenty of time to get whereever they want to go.

I saw something a week or so ago that really scared me. I was in the far left lane just past the airport, to cross over Holly so I could turn left on Industrial. There are three lanes there and in this case the car ahead of me just moved over in front of cars in the other two right hand lanes to get to the south-bound exit. I prayed he would make it but there were a lot of brake lights on. Which was the next subject: signal lights either not working or being used. So one more time, even tho it’s summer, get the family out there and check your front and back lights, brakes and signals. And another reminder by the callers: “PLEASE USE YOUR SIGNAL LIGHTS — it’s hard to know where you want to go if we can’t see them”. It really shouldn’t be a problem since your left hand is right there by the switch, it’s just a matter of doing it.

Other calls were again about the solid lines and their meaning, which I will tackle next month. To finish off, many calls were to remind the bikers they need to pay attention to the signs just like the auto drives have to. To start a right turn then find a biker has come up on your right and just keeps going is very distracting. And, yes, this also applies to pedestrians and the pram pushers. So to get in the habit now, before the winter darkness sets in, let’s all practice what we want and hope that everyone else will follow suit!

Have a good one and see you in September. Remember that school opens August 18th and our kids will be walking to both schools. While the weather is nice — have a good one, enjoy the Music in Marlin Park and see you in September.

— Pat Dixon, the Swan Lady