On My Soapbox

Well, here we are again in mid-June, as I write this for the July Pilot, still with our “lousy” weather as a number of the callers put it. Since the 21st is the first day of Summer let’s all hope that it really happens ! Many diverse calls this past month – some nice, some not so nice, but that’s why the “Soapbox” title.

Let’s get the ‘not-so-nice’ out of the way first. These were relative to the stopping to allow the geese to cross our lanes and parkways. Several said that by “stopping to let them cross” we were just encouraging them to do it more often. On the other side several said this is something they do each spring when they see the various “families out together”. My beliefs are that since we all “took over” their territory we need to be considerate of them. For those of you who have been here for many years you will remember that we had red foxes, ‘possums’, jackrabbits, and raccoons in what were the ‘pasture’ fields east of Shell Drive. All are gone now.

Next came the calls about the Cringle Drive stop signs. I am personally delighted. I did not want to see another child or an adult killed there as was the schoolgirl on Bridge some 20-odd years ago. Also includes a second crosswalk. I was unable to decipher some of the calls in that they said they felt that drivers could skirt that intersection by going al the way around by Marlin Park to Bridge and then left to Redwood Shores Parkway and then right. Why use extra time and gas to go so far out of one’s way. Again, many calls were about speed and bikers, particularly those who are not considerate of the drivers and just cut in and out and right on through the stop signs and lights. I keep saying they should have insurance just like us auto drivers.

I was asked again to please include a note about having your family or a friend help you check out your low beams, high beams, brakes and front and back signal lights. More and more are not bothering to use them and it really is a problem, particularly at an intersection where you have absolutely no idea of where that opposing car is going next. And, most were to do with cars not coming up to the stop line at a signal. As I’ve said, if you as a driver and looking into the back seat of a car next to you, you can move up to be equal to the other driver. Or you may need an eye exam. Some of our signal lights are on “short term” if they are not heavily used streets, so if you are stopped way back and not ready to move when the light changes you will most likely be the only car that gets through the light, possibly a second one, but the others will get the yellow.

Ah yes, the yellow! More and more seem to be running it and what a scary thought should it already be red as you get to the middle of the intersection and other cars are now moving forward. I was very happy that I was the second car in line a few days ago as this is exactly what happened and that other driver saw that the one coming from the right side of the intersection was not going to stop. It was green for him but he stopped just over the line to let that red-light runner clear. What an accident that would have been.

Since this has been about inconsiderate drivers I want to finish up by again reminding you that if you are out in your motor boat the max speed is 5 miles per hour – NO WAVES !! And please, take home with you any snack wrappers, etc. you may have. I am really tired of having that debris coming to visit me. With our nice weather due soon [?] please remember when out in the evenings to have some type of light with you if riding your bikes, pushing your baby carriage, walking your dog or just strolling. We need to know you’re there and we do care … see you later – alligator …

— Pat Dixon, the Swan Lady

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